30 Ekim 2008 Perşembe


‘French Spiderman’ scales Agbar TowerSeptember 17, 2007 on 2:47 pm In Uncategorized
A crowd of more than two hundred could only gape in amazement as celebrity, sky-scraper climber, Alain Robert, better known as the ‘French Spiderman’, took only an hour an half to ascend and descend the 140 metre, thirty-storey Torre Agbar in Barcelona’s Plaza de las Glorias yesterday.
Robert, who first climbed the tower designed by architect, Jean Nouvel, last August, was unable to celebrate his feat for long as he was quickly whisked away by a pair of regional police officers waiting for him on the ground.
During a prolific and precarious career, Robert, who spurns the use of safety equipment of any kind, has conquered more than seventy landmark buildings and monuments including the Eiffel Tower, the Empire State building, Sydney Opera House, San Francisco’s Golden Gate Bridge and the tallest building in China and the fourth in the world; Shanghai’s Jin Mao Tower.
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Commercial areas of Barcelona are more expensive than London, BerlinJuly 23, 2007 on 8:36 am In Uncategorized No Comments
The business areas hardly note the change in the property market. Bread & Butter has put Barcelona at the center of the European map, and businesses continue to settle down in the Catalan capital. The pressure of international firms and the lack of new locales mean that prices are continuing to go up, meaning that Barcelona is now more expensive than Berlin, Amsterdam and the financial centre London.
According to a report from the consultant CB Richard Ellis, 76% of the demand of local businesses corresponds with fashion-related firms which are looking for establishments between 100 to 300 square meters in the centre of Barcelona. It is believed that “Bread & Butter” is opening doors to operators “with an urban character”.
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Catalunya president travels tourist class on first official overseas tripJuly 20, 2007 on 8:10 am In Uncategorized No Comments
mhThe regional president of Catalunya, José Montilla, has set an excellent example of austerity to other high-ranking politicians by travelling tourist class on his first official overseas visit since taking office nine months ago.Mr Montilla is being accompanied on the two-day visit to Lisbon and Oporto by a number of the region’s business leaders.
During the visit, the purpose of which is to to further develop economic relations between the two nations, the regional president has meetings planned with both the president of Portugal, Aníbal Cavaco Silva, and prime minister José Socrates.
Mr Montilla will be a guest of the Spanish Embassy in Lisbon, where former regional presidents, Jordi Pujol and Pasqual Maragall, also stayed when they undertoook similar missions.

3 yorum:

Şükrü Yılmaz dedi ki...

Selam hayirli Geceler ve Cumaniz Mübarek Olsun Ailenizle ve Sevdiklerinizle Birlikte Sevgiyle Saygiyla vede Saglikla Mutlu Esen Kalin ALLAH'a ( CC ) Emanet Olunuz.Saygilarimla
31/10/2008 Günü Gaziantep Sanko Tıp Merkezinde Anjiyo Olacağımdan Geçici Bir Süre Sizlerle Birlikte Olamayacağım.Sağlık ve Hayır Dualarınızı Bekliyorum,Hakkınızı Helal Ediniz ,Benim Hakkım Hepinize ve Herkese Helal Olsun, Dönüşümde Görüşmek Üzere Sevgiyle Saygıyla vede Sağlıkla Mutlu Esen Kalın ALLAH'a ( CC ) Emanet Olunuz.Saygılarımla

Sukru Yilmaz


Şükrü Yılmaz dedi ki...

Hayirli Aksamlar Ailenizle ve Sevdiklerinizle Birlikte Geceniz ve Hafta sonu Tatiniz güzel olsun Sevgiyle Saygiyle vede Saglikla Mutlu Esen Kalin Allaha Emanet Olun Saygilarimla.
Sahsima ve Rahatsizligima gosterdiginiz yakin ilgiye tesekkür ederim


Sevdanin adi olsa inan derdim,Sevinc
Askin bir tarifi olsa bilki derdim,Sevinc

Gonlun bahcesi olsaydi yine derdim,Sevinc
Kalbin anahtari olsaydi yine derdim,Sevinc

Alinti:Onder Demir


Şükrü Yılmaz dedi ki...

Gunaydin Kardesim Dost deniz kenarındaki taslara benzer.Once tek tek toplarsin sonra birer birer denize atarsin ancak bazilarina kiyamazsin.Iste sen o kiyamadiklarimdansin
Hayirli Gunler Ailenizle ve Sevdiklerinizle Birlikte Neseli Saglikli ve Bereketli Yeni Bir Gun Gecirmenizi Dilerim.Sevgiyle Saygiyle vede Saglikla Mutlu Esen Kalin Allaha Emanet OLun.Saygilarimla


Vazgecmededir askin guzelligi
Boy atarken alabildigine gur
Duzlerde irmaklar ornegi yurur
Yeserirken ak bademin cicegi

Guzelligi vazgecmededir askin
Dur kapisinda bu masal ulkenin
Suyun isigi kokusu yesilin
Birak bir deli tomurcukta kalsin

Askin guzelligi vazgecmededir
Bilmedigin sularin yaman dibi
Basinda ilk yazin agaclar gibi
Bir daha beter buyur guclenir

Alinti:S.Kudret Aksal

Sukru Yilmaz
